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Water fast

What do you think of complete water fast. If you approve of it, can you give some basic rules?

Thanks in advance!


Dear Dianne,

There are two completely different kinds of complete water fasts: 3-day or less and longer than 3 days. The body biochemistry chqnges dramatically just overnight on day 3. So, let's talk about the 3-day one.

During a complete fast you can have only water and nothing to eat. The most dramatic changes in body's metabolism occur only after more than 72 hours of fasting. I wouldn't recommend this length for "do it at home-fast!" One may try a several day-fast but care must be taken to have medical help available if anything seems to not feel right for you!

At different times in my life, fasting helped my severe back problem, panic attacks, and fibromyalgia. However, it caused my weight problem. Nothing to be surprised about: once the body gets in the starvation mode, ever since it is taking its own measures for future possible starvation and holds on the fat depots. Nevertheless, comparing to the health problems solved by my regular periodic fasts, the weight problem looks rather minor.

One more important note before I tell you how I used to do the fasting. There's so called "controlled fast" when you are supposed to reduce only carbohydrate intake practically to zero. Biochemically speaking, these two are very similar and the range of ailments that can be helped by them are surprisingly similar, too. I am talking about the Ketogenic diet. However, this is a different story.

Now, how to enter the fasting.

The day before, stop eating at 7 PM and start drinking as much water as can endure. Before going to bed, have at least 1 liter enema (for short-term fasts you might want to have sugar-free fiber supplement instead, better pure Psyllum husk.)

The next and subsequent mornings start with 15 min. morning exercise to include gentle warm up and good stretching. Have an enema again, followed by a shower or hot bath.

Have a glass of good quality water, e.g., mineral, at least every 2hours. Usually I have three glasses of rose hips tea a day to alleviate any chance of scurvy.

For nausea, repeat the enema and shower/tub at midday.

Walk and meditate as much as can.

I have found that swimming is the best physical activity possible for a fasting period, but then I am a former competitive swimmer, so this might not be true for everyone. However, even mere soaking in warm water is very good for everyone's muscles and joints.

Hope it helps. If you still insist in information about over 72-hour fast, feel free to follow this question  up .

Tanya Zilberter, PhD
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