QuestionHi Loki,
you said that you Can offer advice on how to resist social pressure to eat cooked foods etc..Well I've been dieting for a year since last winter and I had everything going great and I lost 20 kilos to be 45 kilos..I became so skinny but am happy about that coz that was my goal from the begining..but although I believe in what am doing my friends,family and even strangers don'wanna stop criticizing me..As well as the dishelp that am getting from my family by bringing the sweets and desserts that I adore in my way..they don't love it as much as I do!now and after all that great and hard effort it seems that I can't control my self anymore I went on eating cookies and desserts these last 2 or 3 weeks and now I weight 3 kilos more and the acne on my face that disappeared after the diet are covering my face again and after having this great confidence before am starting to feel bad and shy of it again..First I want you to tell me how can I lose that weight back again and how to get back my strong volition!?second:Can you tell me how can I enjoy even 1 cookie or a chocolate without having this acne back?...thanks a lot..
AnswerIt sounds that you are not on a rawpalaeo diet at the moment, but I think I can give you some advice you can follow.
The main reason why SAD(Standard American Diet) dieters have the urge to pig out on cookies and chocolates is that they get a sugar-high from the excess carbohydrate - unfortunately this leads to fatigue from the subsequent drop in blood-sugar levels, and ultimately leads to insulin sensitivity/diabetes etc in the long run. It's best if you cut out carbobohydrates as much as possible and go for healthy high-fat foods - there's twice as much energy in fat per kilo, compared to protein or carbohydrate, which means you can last twice as long on it than with the same amount of the two latter kinds of foods . Obviously, it's best if you went rawpalaeo completely, in order to avoid cravings, but you could start by adopting a cooked palaeo diet first, as that is c. a third of the answer. Try ( very lightly) cooking high-grade (preferably grass-fed) meats from organic-raised or wild animals, and eat plenty of organ-meats(eg:- bone-marrow, tongue, heart, liver, kidney etc.) - Never buy meats or innards from nonorganic/nonwild sources as intensive farming ruins meat re health. Also, at all costs avoid buying any food or sauces(eg:- smoked meat/canned meat/microwaved food/ketchup etc.) with any additives in it.
Secondly, it's a very bad idea to crash-diet as you'll just inevitably go back to bad habits again and again, and might even end up heavier than before. I personally follow a system where I eat as much as I want on one day, and then eat nothing at all for the next day, and then I repeat the cycle. Works like a charm for me re energy-levels/reduced hunger-pangs, and, in the end, it results in me eating a lot less than before, without having to endure the problems of crash-dieting.
While the cooked Palaeo diet is quite beneficial for a number of people, the rawpalaeo diet is invariably far more effective in terms of keping down weight etc.(provided you avoid eating/drinking any raw dairy). If you're interested in this RPD diet you should read Price and Pottenger's book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" as well as Aajonus Vonderplanitz's books "We Want To Live-Primal Diet" and "Recipe for Living Without Disease" - and feel free to ask any follow-up questions in the future re this topic.
Hope This Helps!
Geoff Purcell
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