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Losing twenty pounds

Hello, I was wondering how I can lose twenty pounds? when would I be able to lose it by? I would like it to come off and stay off if there is such a thing, I walk daily, walking to the shops around my house and walking both my dogs, a a fairly brisk pace, is walking a good way to burn calories and lose weight? I can not do sit ups/weight lifting or anything else thtat puts a strain on my neck/shoulders/back as I get very sore very easily and very quickly, ten sit ups and the next day I can hardly stand stright. Please help me with this is you can, I like whole wheat foods/fruit/vegetables & all the other "healthy" foods I do however also like fast foods/sweets but I have very sensitive teeth so when I do eat cookies or cakes my teeeth pain so I do not eat them very offen anymore. look forward to hearing from you, thanks.

p.s I've used very low calorie diets in the past with lots of painful crunches/weight lifiting(which I can no longer do to back/neck/shoulder pain) and I was walking for 8 hours a day over the summer mowing lawns and lost more then ten pounds but they have creeped back up on me.... its not as thou I've been eatinga whoel lot more then a normal person would in a run of a day but the pounds always come back after these types of diets.

Hello Tara,

You've probably read that there's no simple answers to questions like  yours. In fact, this is true. As a developer of a successful diet I can only offer you a free access to our online program in exchange to your weekly reports on your progress. Please feel free to read more about it at bantadiet.com and contacting me at [email protected] with your further questions

Tanya Zilberter, PhD  
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