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Realistic weight loss

Do you believe in  such things as losing weight  while staying realistic. What does it mean? This advice is everywhere but what one's supposed to do exactly?

I think these tips by successful weight losers can give you the idea. It's from my article "Weight Loss Tips: About Being Realistic" - so you see, I've been interested in this issue, too!

Rebecca: "My first goal was to lose only 10 pounds. I had very high blood pressure, and my doctor said if I would just lose 10 pounds, he believed that I could get off the pills. Every other doctor before said I had to lose 100 pounds and I thought 'I can't do that.' But 10 pounds, I thought 'maybe I can do that.' Doing it one bite at a time made it more achievable for me ."

Therese Revitt: "Before I go to bed I'd ask myself, 'Is what I did today something I could do for the rest of my life?' If I felt deprived, I'd do it differently tomorrow."

Barbara Miltenberger: "I learn how to eat and live with it for the rest of my life."

Amy Reed: "In 13 years [that I keep off my 80 pounds], I've never gotten down to my initial goal weight, but I'm happy and feel very good even though I didn't reach it."

Debra Mazda: "Thin is whatever you think thin is. Next to Roseanne Barr, I'm thin. Next to Twiggy, I'm fat."

Rebecca: "It took me a year to lose 100 pounds this time. I had lost 100 pounds twice before, in less than six months each time, but I didn't maintain it."

The article is at http://www.dietandbody.com/article1066.html

Hope it helps,

Tanya Zilberter, PhD
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