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Aerobic program while dieting?

What aerobic program you think is best for weight loss? How to start it if I'm not a gym member?

Dear Donna,

First of all, aerobics only is not enough for efficient and safe weight loss. We at bantadiet.com recommend at least three types of exercise: aerobics, strength, and interval training.

It is very important because without strength training you cant have balanced diet. Every set burns certain amount of carbohydrates thus allowing for introduction of more nutritiouse foods like fruits.

However, without a proper aerobics fitness level, you cant do heavy weights. So you are right asking about this kind of exercise plan.

Now, we recommend that you start with your fitness assessment. How?

How did old good doctors know all about their patients' heart conditions long before the treadmills, ECG machines, heart rate monitors, and like pushed them out of medical offices? They have had their arsenal of tests that were simple yet reliable. Nowadays doctors have something better, but we still can use those classical tests.

This is how to check out your fitness level by simply doing squats. Read carefully to do it safely.

Sit quietly for a few minutes, and then measure your resting heart rate (RHR.)

For men it is safe to do this test if their HR is below 75, for womenit can be up to 80. If your hear rate is higher than that, do the followingmeasurement first.

Squat all the way down, keeping your back straight and lifting your arms forward parallel to the floor. Stand straight again. Repeat 10 times, atone-second intervals. Immediately after the tenths squat, measure your after-testheart rate (THR.) If your THR exceeds your RHR by 50 percent, you need tosee your doctor for professional check-up. Perhaps, you need a cardio fitnessrehabilitation program.

Those whose RHR was in safe limits and those whose THR after the above exercise was not 1.5 times higher than their RHR, may proceed to the main test which is similar to the above test, just twice as long.

Squat all the way down, keeping your back straight and lifting your arms forward parallel to the floor. Stand straight again. Repeat 20 times, atone-second intervals. Immediately after the twentieth squat, measure yourTHR.

Take you THR and divide it by your RHR. Estimate your fitness using the table:

THR/RHR 1.25 or less = Excellent

THR/RHR 1,26 to 1.50 = Good

THR/RHR 1.51 to 1.75 = Fair

THR/RHR Above 1.75 = Bad (consult your physician)

After you know where you are, plan your program. We have recommendations for all fitness level (even bad) for walking and swimming. If you prefer a different exercise, let me know and wel'll figure it out for you. You can also do any workouts monitoring your heart rates, it's included in the article:


Hope it helps,

Tanya Zilberter, PhD  
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