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What is Sonoma diet?

Generally, is it possible to eat very tasty foods and lose weight? I've read in a Solzhenitzin (spelling?) book that KGB tormented people in Gulag by feeding them on gourment dishes in very small dozes. Soo...

(I think I answered this one, but here we go again...)

Dear Anatol,

Thank you for good question. I remember this piece of "The circle one" (V kruge pervom) by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. I also wrote an article "Taste and Waist. Why they do not get along"

You can read it at:


However, now that I researched the completely different roles of carbohydrates and fats in both creating rich taste of foods AND increasing or decreasing appetite and cravings, I think differently. Sufficiently fatty foods are very satisfying and they do decrease hunger, calories for calories, better than carb-rich foods.

What's more, fatty enough foods allow burning more calories at rest comparing with high-carb diets.

Another thing is time-tested ways of eating. Remember Mediterranean diet success? French paradox? The Sonoma diet hopefully fqlls into this category.

Here are a few links I'd recommend you to check for details of the above:


Hope it helps,

Tanya Zilberter, PhD  
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