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instant body growth

my height is 5feet 3inches my wieght is 48 kg i want to grow my height as fast as possible about 6feet . plz help
or give me some suggestions or exercises

Dear Tanuj, I am afraid height is genetically predetermined. Growth is only stunted by a disease or severe malnutrition which hinders bone formation. This is unlikely to be your case, so you can only let nature take its course.
There is no diet, which can specifically encourage or even marginally influence height at all.  Any yoga-type exercises can help improve posture and straighten out a back and stretch out leg muscles - indeed helping to gain sometimes as much as a full inch in those who otherwise lead cramped up lives, but the effects last only as long as you sit up straight and walk tall. They are beneficial, health-enhancing lengthening techniques but have nothing to do with growth.
The realistic amount of growth you may yet expect, all depends on your age and the build of your (grand)parents. If they are short, it is more likely you will stay short, too. Boys tend suddenly to shoot up at around age 16, but all growth lengthwise ceases around age 18. Then you are "fully grown" and, not wishing to depress you, but you can only expect to shrink, thereafter! But not to worry: this is  only when your bones begin to weaken and the spine gets compressed from having reached a very ripe old age....
Sorry, if this information disappoints you, but either be patient (if you are still young) or look at this way: your growing powers probably have been used on an another area/aspect of your body or mind. Maybe you cannot appreciate this fully yet, but one day it may all make sense to you, yet.
Take care, and remember, if you walk with generous self-respect, your dignified stature and noble intentions will make you practically seem gigantic!
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