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reduce weight @ 14

i am only 14 years old and i feel very bad of that my friends tease me by calling me fatty so please can you give me a suggestion of how to reduce my weight.

I was also heavy for my age when I was a teen, so I understand a lot of how you feel. I remained obese until earlier this year when I had surgery. As a result I am now down to 206! My answer will be that you should adopt habits that I didn't. They are not that hard, but they ARE probably different from what you are now doing. Better habits when you are THIS YOUNG will help throughout your life - take that comment from a 55 year old man.
1. watch the size of what you eat - you do not HAVE to clean your plate - you do not have to eat it just because it is there.
2. TRY oh please TRY to limit the Fats - they are everywhere - they are what makes most of the prepared/fast foods taste so good! Try to eat more than half of your meal as protein - i.e. meat, fish, legumes (beans)
3. the next largest part of every meal should be carbohydrates - breads, vegetables, fruits, sugar, rice, ...
4 that leave Fats as the least portion of the meal.
5. whatever you eat should be in a balanced/consistent quantity - even if you decide on more carbs than proteins, keep it consistent. Our body reacts poorly to severe changes in our diets.
6 If you do not eat greens with each meal, try to have a salad once or twice a week - with a small amount of dressing - don't drown the salad with dressing (FAT).

This is a starter - as with any changes to our system - check with a doctor - not one from the web (unless you know beyond all doubt that they have been to medical school), not one from a TV show; a real doctor - whether he/she is the family Dr or from the neighborhood clinic - both are good choices. Ask for THEIR opinion of what I have written!
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