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food burning

How long after eating does the body complety burn the carlories/far from the meal?  In other words for example if I at the cake two days ago and still maintained my weight can I still gain weight from that cake?  I hope this makes sense.

What a cool question!  And I think I know what has made you wonder this.  There have been times when I ate big, but then nothing happened with my weight.  But then days later, it seemed to spring up even though I had been eating well.  It's a mystery.  And it doesn't make sense, but yet I know it happens.  

So, does this mean that what you ate days ago can effect your weight today?  It does seem that way, though I really cannot logically believe it.  It may be just that our weight fluctuates around some mean and if it goes up a pound or two, we think back to something we ate that could have caused it.  But really all that happened is statistical fluctuation, just a random fluke.  On the other hand, it's not like we know everything about how the body burns and stores energy.  So, maybe that cake started some biochemical reaction because of the big carb hit effecting the insulin pathway and the result just takes awhile to be measurable on the scale.  I am a scientist, so I can envision lots of fun scenarios.  But the reality is, I know what you mean, but haven't a clue what may cause it.  In the end, for practical purposes, be wary of the cake.  Don't breathe a sigh of relief if nothing happens right away.  It may just be taking awhile.  That's why if you are going to eat cake, make it a good one!

Thanks for your question.
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