QuestionWhat do you think about ozone therapy?? It is all the craze in CA and NY for sick patients with cancer, MS and other diseases. what about hyper-baric oxygen chambers??
AnswerWell, I have never felt the need to try out such crazes - however, judging from the data and the many negative online reviews, and the fact that ozone has been implicated in air-pollution studies as being harmful to humans if breathed in in large amounts, I'd say that ozone therapy is a waste of time.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers have been found to be useful for helping divers recover from the bends - they've also greatly helped cancer-sufferers to more effectively heal soft tissue and bones damaged by chemotheray treatments. So, in very unusual cases where a person's tissues are poorly oxygenated(eg:- gangrene) I suppose that hyperbaric oxygen chambers can be useful, but otherwise they can be quite dangerous.
Certainly, since cancer cells seem to do thrive on heavily oxygenated blood, I rather doubt the effectiveness of extra oxygen on cancer patients. Also, excess oxygen has actually proved to be harmful to humans, if breathed in for long periods:-
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