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Weight lose

My doctor told me and my mom to stay away from foods that had a lot of calories in it but it's like every time we turn around we just can't stay away from those calories and I want to lose weight before school starts which is in  a week and 3 days and I don't know how to lose weight in that amount of time can you help me please?

Hi, Brianna,
This is a bummer, but you really won't be able to lose much weight in just a week and 3 days - or at least not an amount that will be noticeable when people look at you.  But this is no reason to put off watching what you eat so that in a few months you will be a lighter person (as your doctor would like to see).

Your doctor wasn't very helpful if that is all he said is to stay away from "high calorie foods".  Actually, the more I think of it, the less helpful it is.  A small Friendlies sundae has fewer calories than a container of yogurt, but I hardly think that eating a sundae instead of yogurt is the way to lose weight!  Though I wish it were!  Really, what your doctor must have meant is to start watching where your calories come from, to make them worth it.  Drinking a hundred calories of tonic, like a coke, is a bad habit and should be minimized.  While drinking a hundred calories of skim or low fat milk is quite healthy and will fill you longer.  

The key  to weight-loss is to just start being aware of what you are eating and what the "cost" is to you calorie-wise.  Every food "costs" calories, even healthy things like apples.  Ask your doctor, or find out in books, how many calories you should be eating each day to maintain your weight and then work at eating a few hundred calories less than that.  But, this really is simplistic, I know, and is not the best way to lose weight.  In my experience, the *kinds* of foods you eat are just as important as the calorie count is, or even more important.  Try hard to limit your sweets or "carbs" as they are known now.  Learn to read and understand food labels.  Dump as much junk as you can (I know you know what junk is, we all do.  It's the food we really, really love since it is full of carbs - but it makes us fat.)  Once it becomes second nature to avoid junk and read labels, you will be on the right path to weight loss.  Never feel you need to starve to lose weight.  It is all about being aware of what you are eating and then learning to prefer the food that is good for you and eating that instead of "expensive" foods, like doritos (my big weakness), ring dings, and sugared-up drinks.  I will make one point that has been helpful to other people.  That is to not eat anything with corn syrup in it.  Just doing that will help a huge amount.  You will be amazed at how that alone will alter your diet and lead to weight loss.

I wish you and your mom luck with eating well.  If either of you would like more suggestions, just write back.
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