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Knives and blood

What an ominous subject heading! My questions are actually less exciting.

I have read your answers with great interest, having embarked on paleo diet with an aim to become raw paleo over time. Thank you for the service you provide to those who come later than you on the path of the raw paleo diet. I am wondering two things:  1) can you recommend a good brand of knife (or other tool) for all the cutting involved in raw meat eating? 2) I currently discard the blood that pools at the bottom of my vacuum-packed, grass-fed beef. Do you drink that? If so, can you tell a bit about how and what, if any, health benefits may be derived from this?

Thank you again for your expertise.

I really don't know of any specific brand of knife that is better than any others. I just buy standard meat-knives. I also have a rather simple knife-sharpener, which I have to use on occasion, as, otherwise cutting up raw ox/beef tongue can be difficult(other meats don't require the use of a knife-sharpener, as such).

Re blood:-  I sometimes get quite a bit of blood when I buy my (vacuum-packed) organ-meats - things like liver seem to leach out a lot of blood. I generally prefer drinking the blood from the wild-hare I buy as it seems richer in nutrients(and somewhat fresher in taste) than the dull-tasting blood I get from raw organic beef liver etc. I can't exactly tell if drinking blood in the past was part of the reason for my health-recovery in the past,since I've never consumed it in large enough amounts, but I can state that I often feel rather good after drinking blood from the wild-hare carcasses I've bought.

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