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rejuvelac and gaining weight


Just wondering if you've had any experience with rejuvelac. I've heard some good things about it regarding bacterial composition.

Also, AV talks about cycling diet to gain weight and lose weight at different times. He suggests this as a way of using stored fat to detox.  Do you have any insight into the validity of this method. As you mentioned for yourself, I would find it difficult to eat enough to gain up to 20 pounds as AV suggests.

Lastly, I am making two containers of high meat using chicken hearts for one and bison burger for the other.  Is there any problem making high meat from hamburger?  I'm hoping the high meat may help with the fatigue I am having regularily. How much high meat would you suggest eating, and how often?


Never got around to trying rejuvelac. Given that it seems to consist of  fermented grain, I would advise against using it, though.

Re Aajonus/weight-gain/weight-loss theory:- I'm not really convinced re this idea.  Also, gorging and fasting to this extent would, presumably, be a bit wearing on the body, and worse for someone who's already in an unhealthy state. My own feeling is that one should allow the body to detox at its own pace.

Re "High-Meat" amounts:- It all depends on the individual. In my case, I only got the full effect once I started eating 2 large mouthfuls of "high-meat" each day. I also found that it wasn't necessary to consume it all the time - I generally eat it continuously, most days, for c.3 to 4 months of the year, in my own case. I should also add that whenever I start off the high-meat routine all over again, I tend to need c. 24 hours before I get the full effect.

Re high-meat/hamburger:- By "hamburger" I assume you mean the US definition of "ground meat". I've never personally tried ground meat for "high-meat", but I assume it'll be fine. I did try just using standard raw, non-ground muscle-meat for making "high-meat" but I really hated the taste and switched to using various organ-meats for high-meat, on a permanent basis. However, there are plenty of people who mention using muscle-meats for making "high-meat" and they report being absolutely fine with it.

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