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tea diet?

Hi there... I recently read in a womans magazine about a tea diet? any tea works you just need to drink 8 glasses of it a day. How can this really work to lose weight? Also, I already drink a lot of tea, can drinking tea work towards your "8 glasses of water a day"? Or do you have to drink is alone.

Tea counts towards your 8 glasses if it is decaf. The way this "tea diet" probably works is by increasing your water intake... plus many people find that drinking anything hot settles their stomach and makes them less hungry. Since most overweight people are emotional/mindless eaters and have lost their ability to eat only when hungry, reducing hunger doesn't help them diet.
There's some thought that green tea may increase your metaboic rate. Large amounts are needed (6-8 cups daily) and it's unclear if green tea pills have the same effect. Lots more research is needed, but if you're already drinking that much tea anyway, switching to green decaf wouldn't hurt and could possibly help.
Good luck and Happy New Year!

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