Questionwhat is the best diet pill you can recommend, and how much will it really help your dieting?
None of them work at all. There is one prescription medication called Meridia that does work. Most doctors will only prescribe it to someone who has steadily been losing weight in a healthy way for six months to a year.
I know all the slick ads would like you to believe there's some kind of magic that'll cause pounds to melt away. There isn't. You have to figure out what you're doing that caused you to become overweight, and stop doing it. For a lot of people, they find that they ate too much, ate junk food, and didn't exercise, and so they need to attack all three. Only you know what it is you need to change. If you need help figuring out how much food you should eat or what kinds of food you should add to your diet to replace the junk food you're losing, then I'd be really happy to help you out-just put in another question.
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