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Please explain the Banta Diet concept

Please explain the Banta Diet concept.  I have been trying to do Atkins and am so confused by what is a bad carb, good carb, and what I thought was okay isn't and even though I am eating almost NOTHING  (and completely unhappy) I have GAINED WEIGHT!!!  What am I doing wrong and will the Banta Diet help.  Also, I get food stamps and have 2 small children to feed.  It seems like this could be expensive food to buy in the store just for me?  Can you offer any advice and will you please provide a daily inexpensive plan for me to follow?  I am desparate to change my eating habits and lose the weight causing me obesity and the inability to keep up with my duties as a single mom.  Please help
Kristin Camden, Alabama


It's a well-known fact, which Dr. Atkins mentioned in his books, that about 20 percent of his dieters failed. Dr Atkins explained this fact by what he called 'metabolic resistance' and recommended the 'fat fast' including calorie limitation and higher fat content in meals.

The matter is, Dr Atkins disregarded the ketogenic properties of foods. Dieters are being encouraged to watch only carbohydrate grams, not fat and not protein content.

Meanwhile, to be a ketogenic food, it should meet a certain criterion called ketogenic ratio (we named it Fat Burning Index because this is what it's all about) which depends on not only carb grams but also on the exact proportion between carb, fat, and protein constituents of a food or meal.

The Fat Burning Index of a food can predict whether or not the body will allow burning its own fat after consuming this food.

Now, regarding your practical question: in fact, many Banta dieters sharing their experience mentioned that their food expenses decreased as they started eat significantly less than before.

As to the daily plan, it's available at http://bantadiet.com/banta - feel free to browse Banta's knowledge base and when you are ready, just click "start now" to sign up for our free jump start plan.

You might want to contact me after the first few days and tell what foods you find too expensive; I'll suggest some substitutes, OK?

Contact information is also on every page of bantadiet.com

Let's work it out together!

Tanya Zilberter  
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