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low cost weight loss with limited diet

I have been overweight for most of my life. I want to loose weight but things always come up. I get severe migraines, have back problems and severe allergies. I'm vegetarian, lactose intolerant and allergic to; all nuts, avocado, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, apricots, wheat and so on. It's so depressing to have such a limited diet yet still get sick and still not loose any weight. I lost my job and now am panicking because I'm running out of money. I feel so trapped. I can't go to a gym because I don't have money. I can't exercise in my neighborhood because it's not safe and that causes allergy problems. I tried dancing and other exercises at home but started getting mass migraines and back spasms. What can I do? Is there any safe and inexpensive way for me to loose weight?

Dear JB,

Your question pains me greatly: you are in quite a low-energy situation. Your morale is low, your health is poor and your environment does not seem too encouraging.

I suspect you have made some fundamental errors in your diet which has lead to greater problems in the long run. The allergies are probably worse than they might be owing to stress and a poor quality diet.

You are allergic to so many things that I would like to categorise them as symptoms of a bad protein processing system. Allergies are very much related to the condition of your soul, which also works within your physical body to maintain good health. Bad health influences your soul, your soul influences your health in turn. So where to begin, you might well ask....

Weight loss is not the starting point. A healthy diet providing you with what you need, and giving you physical energy and a sound mind,will bring you to your natural weight.

The migraines and spasms are also clear indications of a poor metabolism and overworked nervous system. Some of the allergies could be in response to this. Like it or not we have to get the energy out of your head pole, and back into your metabolic-limb system. Exercise will aid this translocation of energy. Yoga would be best. You can do this in your bedroom. One can effectively lose weight by simply introducing new consciousness into otherwise "dormant"areas. It also helps realign your spirit, soul, life force with your physical body. This may bring new courage. Expand the heart region with rhythmic breathing and calm observation exercises. Try drawing, learning poetry by heart or take a sculpting course if you ever find one at a community centre.  All these things help ground you and will ease the spasms and build up your life-force.

Wholesome food is key. Brown rice, quinoa, or kamut bulgur (some sufferers of wheat allergy cope with kamut or spelt), buckwheat, barley, rye and amaranth are grains you could try. They are not expensive, if you buy them in big packets and cook them from scratch. Takes time and you need to learn how to season. Your tastebuds need to be charmed, too, because this aids digestion and mollifies many an allergy.

Try oat or rice drink, not very cheap, but a glass a day gives you lots of life force, protein and energy. Have you tried rice noodles or soba noodles (Japanese cuisine tends to be accepted well by most people with many allergies). Detox from all E-numbers and refined products. Root vegetables are very important in your case: carrots, beets, turnips. Warm foods, like lentil soups are super nutritious. You can make many kinds of cheap soup once your inspiration and humble appreciation starts to flow. Throw in some pot barley. Try leek and potato. Celeriac and tomato. Thai broth with paksoi and bean sprouts.  Soy is not expensive and not on your intolerance list, to my surprise,  but if you don't have a legume intolerance,  rather try chickpeas or adiku and black beans, baked beans, haricot beans: all cheap if bought dry (again: takes time to soak and boil, but you could get on with self-reflection, or listening to calming music in the meantime. Use your free time to create new awareness and sensitivity, use simple honest produce to be remewedly amazed about nature, life, cosmic forces.

Fresh fruit is good for your blood flow. Depending on where you live, berries may not be in season right now, and dear, but strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, grapes might work for you. Apples and pears should be okay too. Buy small amounts of these products: hand to mouth style.

Very important to your condition is that you do not run idle. The source of your troubles could well be a fundamental sense of unfulfillment. Without removing this root cause no diet can help you lose weight. You need to find a routine and stick to it strictly - it does not really matter what it is, but its aim must be re-inforced daily: that you must find a purpose to your life. Try to do voluntary work, or do something compassionate each day. This will help draw positive energy your way. Make sure you will not become a prisoner in your own home (forced by unsafe surroundings). Be adamant then to bring about change in your situation. Find a safe park to walk, muse and commune with nature and various types of people. Avoid isolation at all costs!

Don't drink alcohol, coffee or too much black tea. No smoking. Never any narcotics, however mild. Try to avoid muscle relaxants and painkillers (even paracetamol). All these would worsen your condition. No sugar, white flour, artificial additives.  Try nettle tea and chamomile, or barley and acorn coffee. A bottle of aloevera juice or guave, seaweed drink  or pink grapefruit once a week ought not to break the bank.

A balanced diet can help establish inner harmony, so try to cut as little corners as possible and eat plenty of fresh vegetables. Pre-packaged stuff is more expensive than market produce. Buy seasonal, local products to keep costs low. Have a hearty breakfast on all accounts: fresh juice and muesli is best (try mixing your own from bulk products, amaranth, oats, raisins, dried dates and figs, grated apple, buckwheat, sesame and sunflower seeds, soak in water over night. Or use oat/rice milk. Some people find better tolerance with goat or sheep.

Fresh air, sunlight and fragrant surroundings are healing. Massage (self massage) with olive oil, or primrose oil, especially of arms and legs done with respect and positive affirmations also help. All this won't be easy to do, especially if you are on your own and feel lonely. Consider yourself very challenged, and pride yourself on every day lived in humble appreciation of the blessings you do have. Find three a day, and compare to warzones if you have to! May sound extreme, but you must not let depression get the better of you.

Your condition (a hysterical condition - forgive the term - as opposed to a neurasthenic one - we all are prone to one or the other) means a starvation diet will work against you. But a three day fast, on lemon juice or vegetable juice can kickstart a change. It is not super cheap: because you must make sure you drink pure water (bottled) and keep nice and warm.  Try to spend what you can on great products (grown naturally if possible, organically, but at least clean of additives/pollutants/toxins): they are gifts from the cosmos and can make a difference to your life on a daily basis. Look at it this way: without food you are not. Bad food can really hang you up in the long run. So choosing great food must work. Try not to think about how limiting your diet is. Start with what you can tolerate and, who knows, bit by bit a new attitude can slowly turn things around for you on all levels. Your overweight is a manifestation of a disjointed you. Losing the weight first, without addressing the underlying factors, and finding a genuine, soulful aim, will never work in the end.

Wishing you all the best and with full faith in your creative optimism, I hope you soon find yourself up and running towards happiness.
With loving kindness, Evelyn
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