QuestionIs a diet with so much raw meat and fat constipating? How do you keep the bowels moving 2-3 times/day
AnswerI never have a problem with constipation.
First off, moving the bowels 3 times a day seems extreme. Perhaps that might be fine on a diet very high in fibre such as a vegetarian diet might be, but on a standard cooked diet, 1 major bowel movement a day is reasonable. When transitioning to an entirely different diet, one may expect some temporary reduction in bowel movements as the body adjusts, but after that everything is fine.I generally have 1 bowel movement a day, which is, of course, less frequent if I'm doing whole-day fasts. I only get actual constipation(ie inability to evacuate a full bowel) when I sometimes eat cooked foods, which is a rare event, so it hardly ever happens.
Generally speaking, raw meat and fat are much better absorbed by the body than fibre-rich cooked plant-foods so stools on a rawpalaeo diet will inevitably be smaller as the body gets more nutrients from the raw meat than they would with cooked meat or fibre, and bowel movements will certainly be less frequent than on fibre-rich diets. But fibre is unnecesary for the body, being largely indigestible/unabsorbable.
On a side-note, those people who eat only raw meat and fat and nothing else(I do eat raw fruit and veg to a small extent) report needing to move their bowels slightly less frequently(only once every 2-3 days or so).
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