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bad foods and better foods

Hey, I don't know if you can help me or not, so I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Basically I'm 15, and I'm overweight. Not massively, but just enough to make me officially overweight. I currently lead a very busy lifetstyle, with RAF at school, playing cricket for various teams and playing field hockey for my club, in another load of various teams. I don't really have much time to think, and I eat loads so that I have enough energy to keep me going throughout the days. The problem is, my weight is very slowly climbing, because although I do a lot of sport, in field hockey (which is mostly what I do at the moment, seeing as cricket season ended about 2 months ago) I am the goalie and so most of the time I stand there. Sometimes I get hot and sweaty and run around, but not very often. At school they're usually quite good at healthy foods, but I have trouble distinguishing between the bad and the good. We have a jacket potato bar, a sandwich bar, a pasta bar, a main course bar, soup and puddings. But I never know what's good for me? Are there any foods I should avoid, or eat more of? I'm a chocoholic but I love my fruit, even though I don't get as much of it as I would like. Any tips/suggestions etc would be much appreciated, and anything on food with lots of energy would be great. Thanks,

Cassie :D

Due to your age it is very important that you talk with a doctor about weight loss.  I do not want to give you any inappropriate advice.  I will say that the bad foods are higher in fat like fried foods, butters, chips, creamy soups, chocolate, mayonnaise, higher fat meats like beef, egg yolks, pastramis, ham - eat these in moderation.  The better foods are complex carbs, brown rice, brown pasta, wheat bread, fruit, vegetables, bran, lean meats like turkey, chicken, egg whites.  Feel free to ask me any follow up question.
Best of luck,
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