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In 2008 I suffered with UTI and due to that my Creatinine was raised to 3.1 in recent days. before few days it was 2.1, What diet should I take. I am a diabetic with normal blood pressure and blood sugar is controlled.
Pl. advice.

ANSWER: Dear Pramod,

I am a madam, but this aside. I cannot answer your question until I have more information. I am not quite clear about your current creatinine levels. Is your creatinine normal now?

Often excess creatinine is linked to kidney problems (not caused directly by an infection, and definitely over an extended period of time. A bladder infection could be another symptom of a kidney issue. Have you any kidney history?

It is also necessary for me to know how old you are (approximately), and your height-weight (or rather: are you under/over weight by very much). An indication of your life-style and current attitude would be helpful too (employed, workaholic, relaxed, depressed, optimistic etc). My answer can only be holistic and for diabetes, above all, must take medical issues and personal details into consideration. (Medical issues, of course I cannot give advice on). There are very good diets for diabetics, within the alternative scene, which are fast becoming adopted by main stream nutritional theory (also in the prevention of diabetes). But what type of diet are you on now? Vegetarian, vegan, omniverous, fast-food etc. Surely you have been given some guidelines concerning a diabetic diet by your doctor? What are they, and we can build up from there. I presume you take insulin when you mean your sugarlevels are controlled?

I would be glad to give you more points in the right direction. Diabetes is a very complex disease picture full of opportunity for spiritual growth. It involves many aspects of your entire being. It is typically a condition that asks you to allow your spirit (real Self) to speak up in this life time. So pro-active action through a diet is a fantastic way to start.

Hope to hear from you with more information,
Kindest Regards,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I am 65 year old spiritual,Vegetarian person My diabetes is normal I am taking 5mg Glynese tab. in the morning. The Problem arise after UTI when I was in Chicago in 2008. The bacteria is Ecoli I have been given Niftran antibiotic 100 mg 3 times a day and there after one cap. daily. Every thing was perfect till 24th of august, but on 25th night I had shivering and fever. I got my Creatinine tested and it comes to 3.7 and after 3 days it comes 3.1. My MRI is alright,Sonography is fine Prostate is right. Only problem is the ecoli bacteria persists and due to this Creatinine is increased. I shall be highly obliged if you guide me and suggest me the diet by which I can control my Creatine.
Utmost Regards,
Pramod Bhatnagar

ANSWER: Dear Pramod,

Your bacterial infection sounds quite persistent, indeed. It is still not quite clear to me how long you have been taking antibiotics. I presume not since 2008 all the time! It will have to remain a question to me whether the E-coli returned to haunt you, or never quite went away in the first place; but in any case your system is weak enough to be quite susceptible to bacterial infection; this can tell us something already.

Also,when you say your diabetes is "normal", I don't know if that means a light to medium form of Type II. In holistic medicine, in collaboration with a doctor and the main therapy of a strict diet, this would not necessarily require medication (if bloodsugar levels stay between 120-180 mg%). The problem with medication is that it artificially stimulates the insulin producing cells in the pancreas which can wear this organ out. But above all it can distract from the real problem: a more spiritual issue. I will try to explain.

Let me first say that the combination of a urinary tract problem (kidney system)and diabetes is not to be ignored. In Anthroposophical and Chinese medicine, there is quite a lot said about a weak kidney-system (which occupies itself also with anabolic protein processes). Problems are not always directly or clearly linked to a diseased organ. Stress, environment and diet influence the kidneys very easily. Many of us have already a weak kidney system owing to years of bad diet and poor environment (pollution, too much noise, sex, indifference - all sorts).

The cause of a condition is a process. Diet can stimulate processes,but considering your age and spiritual nature I have the feeling you may already be on a very suitable diet for your kidney and diabetes. Sometimes the next step is more of a homeopathic medical one. The body manifests to us what we have trouble otherwise seeing about ourselves. We cannot consider, from a holistic point of view, your current medications as therapeutic. They may kill off today's bugs but they are not fortifying your whole organism. Indeed they are causing great imbalance to your digestive system (killing the bugs/flora you need in your intestines for healthy digestion). If you have tried a similar diet to the one I will give you below for a longer period of time (a year) without improvement already, then this means you need to think more about alternative medication to supplement your diet.

You first of all need to see the disease in a spiritual light and your organism, too. Considering that you call yourself a spiritual man, you may be able to relate quite easily to the picture of man as  a four-fold being. I shall briefly present it to you, since it will help us focus on a particular aspect of your being that has caused the disease of diabetes (and possibly the knock-on effect of kidney- issues, or at least a vulnerable urinary tract).

We have a physical body, which is our vessel. It mirrors our telluric and celestial nature in a picture that remains largely a puzzle to most people.
We have an "etheric body" which is plant-like: it has formative force. With a creative force it converts matter into our physical form and our mental pictures.
We have an "astral body" which is animal-like: through it we feel (pain and joy). It is an individualised body, we call a soul (animals have group souls, with the exception of some pets who have loosened themselves somewhat into a separate entitiy).
Unique to our species is the "I-body" which gives us a sense of self and the potential for wisdom (we can aim to reach divinity).
All four bodys are intricately interwoven on all levels of your organism. But each body communicates through a predominant elemen:  air/light is used by the astral body, water by the etheric and the I needs warmth to experience itself. The physical is, of course, purely the material (and in itself therefore life-less, or hard and cold, as a corpse, purely body and nothing else, reveals)

Whenever we look at something to do with hormones (insulin) and the blood we must look towards the "I-body". The I-body uses sugar to establish itself on earth. It does this at the point when glycogen, which is stored in the liver, is transformed into dextrose-sugar and released into the blood. This creates warmth and invites the I in.

The I-body's task (as general over-seer) is to monitor bloodsugar levels. It is present at the level of  cell metabolism (when sugar is taken in a rhythmical process). The insulin which provides the impulse for this comes from the pancreas, an organ which lies in the middle of an energetic stream that flows from the pituitary gland to the adrenals (kidneys). Here the astral-body operates(it is involved with glands). The structural operation however must still be overseenby the I-body. Low blood sugar levels clearly reveal an absence of your I-body: this can be seen from how one becomes less conscious (sleepy or faint).

In the early (undetected) stages of diabetes the kidneys have a rough time of it. They need to keep on filtrating the overload of sugar, which has not been assimilated (bound to phosphorus) by the I-body. The kidneys become dense, dark, hard from this burden. The astral-body is responsible for the endocrine system, but also our emotional life. If the latter is too tumultuous it effects the work on a physical level. There is an interaction between mood and hormones on all levels.

The I-body must oversee that the astral body does not runaway with emotion and neglect the functions in the pancreas. It must help regulate the (animal) cravings or instincts, desires and appetites of the astral-body, and insure that a right diet is eaten which does not lead to starch-overload. It is not the  sugar, for example, in a bad diet which directly leads to diabetes, but the uncontrolled astrality (that reaches for the sugar). If this astrality is not checked, then all the insulin in the world cannot teach the body good health. It goes on survival mode, while the astral-body remains too dominant and goes on to mess up the next organ it rules (kidney, e.g.). This is a very delicate (Venus, copper) organ and very humble: it does all the dirty work very patiently and quietly, ceaselessly night and day. Harsh treatment soon leaves its mark. (The liver is more regenerative, or the heart is more robust.) The kidney needs air and light (as all astrality does) for proper functioning. Our diets ofen are too dark and damp (processed foods, proteins, chemicals etc).

Sunny foods, rich in silica (a mineral flooded with light) are therefore excellent for the kidney. As is horsetail (equisituum), an ancient silica prototype, practically. Horsetail elixer is a great support to the kidney system. Cranberry juice is not only a classical remedy for an UTI in the Northern countries of Europe, but it also does wonders for your sugar household: the berries are slow to ripen, sucking up very long light and growing in silica rich soil. These properties, we already noted, inspire healthy kidneys. Healthy kidneys excrete better; the blood circulates better, more white bloodcells are activated, bacteria are flushed away and made unwelcome.

This is how everything ties up together holistically. Modern medicine (the antibiotical approach) takes a more fragmented approach but disrupt entire systems.  Hopefully you are on the shortest cure of antibiotics possible. They are an overrated medicine; however make sure you finish one cure properly or the bacteria will linger and you will have to keep going back on them.

Let us return to the diabetes. Now that we have seen that blood is the carrier of warmth: that which makes our incarnation possible, we must be brave and look at the aim of this blood. It is not just about "life". But it is about bringing our spirit down to transform matter (impurities) and our animal self into human/divine spirit (transubstantiation). Karma plays a role in this. As does fate and free choice. Most of the time we do not know how to play it out with these three factors, and our free will becomes very bruised and rusty as we get tossed about on the waves of life. We fall prey to temptations, inmoderation, lower instincts. Discipline and routine are therefore curative attitudes in themselves.

We have to emerse ourselves in this warmth of earth existence, permeate it with our spirit. When we fail to do this, we start to float, in a semi-excarnate manner and this gives rise to the disease picture of diabetes. Diabetes comes about when something is preventing your I-body from taking hold of your sugar. It is prevented from working properly on a metabolic and limb level. Usually stress plays a part somewhere down the line (work, trauma, repression), pulling all the forces of the I into the head. Genetics cannot be ignored as a predisposition. Circumstances can be very oppressive.

Without the I properly incarnated, firmly lodged in the metabolic seat, a person's Will stands on shaky ground. This Will is a quality of the Higher Self the I must refine in this earth life. This Will rests in the lower pole of man (forming a polarity with Thinking;  Feeling sits in the middle, in the rhythmic system). Loss of purpose and aimlessness, inconsistency, worries, insecurity are all manifestations of a weak Will and cause further weakness of Will. Make sure to break this momentum and strengthen the Will through moral exercises. Will works in sure and simple deeds. It does noble, devout things.

Sometimes the I is pushed out of the body by a bossy astral-body. Unprocessed emotions can also blow up the astral-body, making it a windbag, irritating the nervous system. Shock, great loss, dark depression can often times bring on full diabetes which was lingering for many years. It is one hit too many. It is a gradual illness, an accumulation of years of imbalance and low blows.

It is quite a feat for the body to transform (mineral) matter (the sugars made from our food) into spiritual substance (through our thinking, feeling, willing being). Nature already does her part of transubstantiation by taking earth materials and letting cosmic forces sculpt them into shapes, creations, creatures. We do this on an even more sublime level (stuff become deeds, thoughts). We can make it easier on our selves by using Nature's most cosmically inspired creations to fill us up with transformative force. Organic foods, fair trade, seasonal products, ripe, local, fresh goods fit into this picture. We must not forget to include the cosmic nutritional stream in our diet! Likewise we must make mealtimes a spiritual event (light a candle, say grace/be grateful, set the table with flowers, colourful napkins, clean linnen, play soothing music, amicable conversation). We must cook in colours and fragrances, vary textures and preparatory methods, all in order to activate our creative participation in the partaking of cosmic force on a physical level. Fast food and processed food (white flour,etc) and artificial flavours, additatives and pesticides (toxins) make the I-body lazy and eventually sick (it no longer does any work for you at all). Diseases develop as a consequence; mental deterioration and spiritual flabbiness result.

It could be that your infection is trying to shake you up. Inflammations are the opposite of sclerotic processes. Diabetics often become sclerotic (arteriosclerosis, heart attack). By drawing attention to your kidney system (through the raised creatinine levels) you are being told to warm up, soften up and go with the flow more. This still takes strict discipline! But with a mildness and forebearance that is suited to the 9th seven-year life phase. A lot of people over 63 become stuck in a destructive (catabolic) pattern and develop kidney problems (or worsened diabetic conditions, such a pancreatitis). It is as if they retire from a responsibility over their soul. They feel they have earned their status and peace by then and in this error of thinking they actually lose a regulatory (intuitive, loving) grip over their life-forces and fall into cold/hard disease pictures (incl. cancer and nervous disorders). Your spirit may well be saying, I don't think we want to go there, thank you very much!

A kidney diet and a diet for diabetes have a lot in common. They both help keep the I-body in check and pull it deeper into the flesh in a spiritualising manner. Nowadays, with modern man, it often tends to get locked in the head pole (technical thinking, knowledge acquisition). It needs to have something to do in the lower pole (abdomen and limb system). A vegetarian diet is the first step.

While carbohydrates need to be chosen selectively, also make sure the diet remains restricted in protein (be moderate with pulses, choose legumes preferably: lentils, peas; and some yoghurt or curds is ok but then cut out cheese and milk (too much lactose); two eggs a week must suffice; use nuts sparingly.)  Eat carbohydrates in the evening, when the liver is in an anabolic phase (after 3 pm till 3 am) and can best process them.

The carbohydrates you choose must be slow to release their sugars. (I assume you have been given guidelines as to the amount of cars you are allowed - somewhere between 200-250 g.) So choose wholegrain and raw grains (muesli).

Raw vegetables form the bulk of the diet. Combine root, leaf, fruit, flower (e.g. carrot, endives, tomato, broccoli). Beetroot juice (with lactic acid) is superb for both the kidney system and diabetic conditions, so use this regularly. Take plenty of fibre (wholewheat cereals, fresh vegetables, salads, fruit). Grains contain vitamin B1, which is essential for sugar processes. It is the life-forming force of the B vitamins, full of silica-light and air which is so healthy for the blood. Good grains for the kidney are brown rice, oats and millet. Oats are great because they take long to digest, releasing carbohydrates slowly. Millet is very full of silica (great for the kidney) and easily digested.

Fruits are full of goodness, but don't consume grapes, peaches, bananas, cherries, plums or dried fruit (all too sweet). Stick to berries, especially blueberries, rosehips and apples, melons and papaya. Take care with fruitdrinks: dillute with water. Only use fresh drinks no sodas or bottled (carbohydrated) drinks. Grapefruit juice makes a good start to the day, followed by muesli with yoghurt.

Avoid coffee, tea, cocoa/chocolate, sharp spices (mustard, chili, horseradish, cloves, nutmeg).
You probably have already cut out sugar, at any rate, which is a great start since it promotes bacterial growth. I assume you also refrain from using alcohol. In itself it already lames the I-body (plus it is too rich in sugar).  Honey is very curative for the I-body: only 1 tsp a day (evening).

Drink plenty of herbal flower teas to help with diuresis and stimulate the kidneys. Blueberry leaf tea is also works (can be hard to find). Nettle tea is both excellent for kidneys and diabetes.  Chicory makes a good coffee alternative (full of dextrose which needs no insulin, so does not tax the pancreas. Jerusalem artichoke has the same effect and is recommended as a staple in diabetic diets. It does make your urine odorous.).

Have frequent small meals instead of larger ones. Stick to a rhythm however! Do not just snack. Chew well: this also brings out the natural sweetness of foods (all carbs are sugary). This in turn invites your I-body to partake. Keep your diet alkaline, and varied: combine foodstuffs for synergetic effect.

If you are overweight or keen to stay alert, make sure to have an exclusive vegetable day every week. Be luxurious and inventive with salads, and use various dressings sparingly (sesameseed, vinagrette, soy sauce, herb-garlic light mayonaise etc). Have muesli for breakfast (pre-soaked in some water) with fruit (no yoghurt). Three types of vegetable for lunch (lightly steamed). Salad for dinner. Herbal drinks for snacks. A slightly less strict version would allow you to take buttermilk or rye crackers in between, and you can add some millet, or a potato to your steamed vegetables. Perhaps some curds for afters in the evening. If you prefer a fruit day, make sure you use fruits which are low in carbohydrates. It is best however, not to mix fruit (stick to one). It makes a stricter fast.

Minerals stimulate the I-body. Salt baths work well. Drink a tsp of clay (for internal use) morning/night. Organic vegetables are fertilised with minerals not chemicals.  Grains are high in minerals. Go easy on salt - hard to believe but it acts like sugar (look at the crystalline similarity). The kidneys, of course, would like but the tiniest pinch of salt a day; so beware of preservatives and condiments, even processed bread/pasteries which contain far too much salt already.

Daily exercise is, also, essential. I am glad this is recommended nowadays to diabetics, but it is not only useful in weight-loss; the main point is that you move your limbs in a rhythmic manner, exposed to light and air (gyms don't work well!): walking or cycling (30 mins) a day is curative, especially if you make sure you stop thinking, and if possible enjoy or even commune with nature. Gardening, woodchopping, sports, any earth-binding physical activity is very therapeutic for diabetes. Use the body, experience how you work up warmth by being active. This invites your I-body back.

Meditation, contemplation, music, art and high culture are also curative. They help you centre yourself, reassess your true mission in life and steer you towards your purpose. This ought to strengthen your soul.

Rosemary and pine baths fortify the I-body.

I hope you have got a general feel of the ins and outs of diabetes and how it might relate to your UTI and what diet can try to accomplish. Remember it is not only about what you eat, but also how, where, when and why (ultimate spiritual purpose).
I wish you all the best,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thak you very much for the advice I will follow all advice.In addition I would like to inform you that my Height is 170.Cm and weight is 73 Kg.My Uroflowmetry is normal (Normal flow pattern) and negative for NTM & MTB and HbA1c is below 6.
In New Zealand I was advised to take Augmentine 625 mg for 10 days. I have taken Anti biotecs for more than 400 days since august 2008 One Nifran Daily.
If there is any other suggestion pl. do write I shall be highly obliged.
Utmost regards,
Pramod Bhatnagar  

Dear Pramod,

What can I say?! I am in shock: 400 days of antibiotics?? Can this be for real? I know people with autoimmune deficiencies are prescribed such treatment and I always shudder at the thought. I also know that some countries prescribe anti-biotics for everything (Spain, India, Mexico, Australia and USA too much too). It is a simple thing to give to people and you can hope for the best. But it cures nothing from the root up. It hammers the life out of you.

The thing is, anti-biotics go against all your spiritual attempts to harmonise yourself.  They are anti-life, and life is what we need to measure our spirit against. Our bodies are constructs of life and we (our souls) need to accept we live with millions of microbes, even (happy) ecoli bugs in our digestive system: they are all beings we must accept. We cannot survive in a sterile environment. People who take antibiotics regularly (let alone all the time) put themselves in a bubble that wants to protect them from life. It is not the kind of peace of mind that can ever work. Life is an on-going battle of dark-light, sympathy-antipathy, good-bad, positive-negative, yin-yang, etc. The same problem exists with fastidious hygiene where everything has to be anti-bacterial (soap, cleaning products etc). It will come to bite us one day really hard!

Far be it for me to suggest you stop taking antibiotics, and the type you are on I am not at all familiar with; you may be far worse off without them. But it is worth considering what you are trying to achieve by being on them. Normally, in cases of infection it is imperative to use antibiotics to kill off the bug within 2-4 weeks. Holistic medicine tries to battle many bugs in a different manner however, making their environment hostile from the spiritual side. Make sure you are not being prescribed antibiotics as a prophylactive. If you need to keep on taking them you must have a diagnosis to match (like chronic immune issues). For now you can state: obviously they are not doing the job properly since you still have that nasty bug. Maybe it's worth inquiring about this problem with your doctor? Antibiotics really do your digestive system no favour and tax your liver/kidney system terribly.

I don't know if one can talk to this bug in a different language more successfully, one that states more clearly: you do not belong in my life. But a holistic diet and a more meditative lifestyle is all about trying to do this. Addressing this issue may support your diabetes in a round-about way. It will need you to get to know yourself even more honestly and test your intuition all the more. It may be worth consulting an alternative (very skilled and traditionally trained) practitioner for more advice regards this if you are really keen to take more responsibility over your own health.

I wish you all the very best, and many blessings upon whatever path you choose to bring you to the greatest health and happiness.
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