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help with diet

  I have been in hospital 2 weeks.  The doctor said I have three diseases going on at same time, Gastroparisis, Celiacs and Coalitis.  I could not keep any food down.  Now I am home and was told not to eat anything with Glutan and to try nothing Lactic.
   I eat mainly rice and squash but even that gives me constant stomach aches.
   Can you give me an idea of what foods I should try to progress to with all my limitations?  What I eat now leads to my being impacted constapation.  I don't know what to eat and the doctor just says try and if it makes you sick don't eat.  

Hi Don. I hope you will forgive me for taking so long to answer. You really do have a lot going on digestively and I wanted to make sure I gave you the best possible answer. Unfortunately, each problem you are experiencing may be making the others worse. As you probably know, gastroparesis is characterized by a slowed emptying of the stomach.  Since fat and fiber are two of the last nutrients to leave the stomach, nutrition therapy involves a low fat (50 grams/day), low fiber diet. Celiacs is controlled by removing gluten from the diet; a complication of Celiacs is often lactose intolerance, which is probably why the doctor recommended "nothing lactic" (dairy foods).  Colitis is a little less cut-and-dry. Colitis is usually caused by an infection, but some people state they have flare-ups after consuming certain foods. Nutrition therapy includes maintaining good hydration during flare-ups and keeping a food diary to see if any foods appear to contribute to the flare-ups.
I would definitely recommend you keep a food diary. Write down what you eat and also how you are feeling. You may be able to find out what foods are causing you problems. As for controlling the symptoms, an elimination-type diet may be helpful. Try only clear liquids (broth, juice, soda, gelatin...nothing with dairy or gluten) for two or three days. Slowly add back foods; white rice is low in fiber and few people have reactions to it, so you may add it back first and see if you are having reactions at the end of the day. After that, you can try canned fruit and vegetables (lower in fiber than fresh or frozen) and low fat meats. You may also want to look for a gluten-free vitamin in order to help maintain good nutrition.

I am sorry I do not have a more specific diet for you. Hopefully I have been able to give you a little more guidance than you had received previously.
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