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How Do I Deal With The Aftermath Of Dramatic Weight Loss?

I was a 42DD at my highest weight of 245 (I'm 5'6"). Now that I've lost 105lbs, I can't even say I'm lucky enough to have pancakes, it's all loose skin, very "Zulu Hag". I just turned 31 and have no kids, but my body sure looks like I do..... =( How do you find a cup size for skin???? There's no $ even for a new WalMart bra. And a lot of the weight loss was due to stress and i can't even imagine what I'm deficient in now... but my 31 y/o skin seems to now have the elasticity of a 60 y/o HELP!COLLAGEN.... WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!   Also, with the amount of skin around my upper thighs, I have to wear a size 12/14 pant even though my waist and "knees down" are an 8/10.  I feel awful.  What do you do if you can't afford the skin removal surgery?  Any advice you could give me would mean a lot!

I completely understand your frustration and think extra skin is a little discussed complication few people are ready for. Then it can be devastating and lead to depression, lack of self esteem, loss of motivation, etc and can contribute to regaining weight. Which I would not recommend to fix the problem! The only solution to excess skin I have heard of is surgery so I looked into it. You can wait it out and after about a year your skin should tighten some on its own, although I doubt it will naturally tighten that much. You can work on adding muscle, which is bulkier than fat and can fill some of the skin. I also read you can brush your skin before a shower (I actually do because it is good for everyone since it increases blood circulation to the skin and removes dead skin: just use a hairbrush with soft bristles all over your dry skin) then use a good moisturizer. A good moisturizer should help with elasticity...skin of a 60 year old...which is often caused by dry skin and dehydration. My only other suggestion is to use body shaping underwear. I know they sell some at Walmart, but that doesn't help you if you have no money.

I'm sorry I dont have better news. Congratulations on the weight loss and try not to get too frustrated. Hopefully things will get better for you financially. By the way, I also read Dolly Parton's breasts are so big because she had implants put in due to loose skin from listing weight...and she missed her big boobs!
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