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superfoods & fasting

  I would like to know what do you think about superfoods, for example fermented bee pollen (I don' t know if I use correct term, bees' food is what I mean.). There are for example also some algae: chlorella, maca, kelp etc.
  I must say I am very attracted to the idea of boosting my energy level on the daily basis by using those high in nutrients foods. They convince me because there is nothing which is artificially extracted in them and people used to eat them in the past. But I am curious what is your point of view.
  I' ve got also specific question about (fermented) bee pollen - it is said to have antibiotic properties. In that case, is it healthy to use it? My reasoning is that there should be a healthy balance and I can compensate the loss of bacteria by drinking kombucha. After all - honey also have antibacterial properties - that' s a bad thing, but we used it in the past.
  About your concept of fasting till afternoon - I can drink as much as I want, am I right? Or maybe it interferes somehow with body' s regeneration?


ANSWER: Well, my own experience with superfoods like chlorella and bee pollen , royal jelly and the like were all failures. Raw bee Pollen provided a lot of instant energy, perhaps too much, as I would always feel far too hot afterwards, not a natural reaction. Chlorella I discontinued after I realised it was useless and I had read lots of scientific data stating that chlorella's nutrients like vitamin b12 were not properly absorbed by humans, being in a different form than needed. Raw royal jelly gave some instant energy but no improvement in healing. I view them all as an expensive waste of time - better to spend money on grassfed, organic meats/organic fruits, or better still raw wild game, which is, ironically, usually cheaper than grassfed, organic meats.

I don't think honey kills of all bacteria, just the bad bacteria. Even if I'm wrong and it kills all bacteria, one should not be eating raw honey in large quantities as it wasn't as easy to obtain it in palaeo times before agriculture/beekeeping was invented in Neolithic times. If you're ready for it, you might consider using "high-meat" or EM products to increase bacteria levels in your gut, if needed.

Re fasting:- Yes, you can drink as much water as you like. It doesn't interfere with the body's regneration - as long as you don't consume only distilled water - distilled water leeches minerals from the body, but other waters are fine.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually, I drink green tea, black tea and kombucha. It is really hard for me to drink pure water because of taste. Hope this doesn' t interfere neither... (?)

Thank you.

ANSWER: Well, yes, I see what you mean. I soon found that I couldn't handle the taste of London tapwater once I started the diet. I would find that drinking the stuff made me lose appetite for my raw meats, and I would feel a bit under the weather afterwards. Not surprising, as London tapwater is constantly reprocessed for consumption after passing through nulerous peoples' bladders. My solution was to get hold of the cheapest alkaline mineral water I could find ( between 7.2 to 8.4 PH) and that solved the problem. I would buy it in 5-litre bottles at a time, because the price was only twice as much as the cost of a 0.75 litre bottle.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Taste of tapwater is one thing but the issue which troubles me is lack of taste of plain water - my tastebuds are used to tea.
I know it may be hard to assess but is that a big problem regarding regeneration or overall levels of energy?
If so, I will try switching.

I would strongly advise switching over time. A few rawists find herbal teas useful on a minor basis, but, fundamentally, tea is a heated product so works on the body much like cooked food, so can't be too healthy re regeneration. Perhaps you could try switching to raw, freshly squeezed fruit juices if you have a decent juicer of your own, for the moment?

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