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Hi,I am 29 yr old boy,having breakfast with brown bread with butter,accompanied with 1-2 bananas and a cup of milk-tea regularly,prior to that I'm having one glass of warm boiled water after waking up.Is the diet is good as I am continuing the same for long?"

Dear Chandan,

I guess you are mainly concerned that your breakfast might not be varied enough. It depends on a few factors whether this is really a problem.

In principle, you describe a healthy breakfast - especially if you are living in a warmer region (since bananas are quite a cooling fruit and not recommendable, on a daily basis, in winter, in more temperate or land climate zones). If the brown bread is made with whole wheat flour (not all brown bread is what it looks like) and it is as fresh as your butter sounds (so much better than margarine!) then you will be getting plenty of fibre, carbohydrates and fats, which sets you up nicely for the day.

A more subtle aspect to be reckoned with, is that - holistically speaking - nutritional value depends on the quality of the produce. (This is where the organic label should derive its added value from compared to conventional farming and processing.)Also, it makes a world of difference whether your loaf of bread comes from a second-rate supermarket or has been freshly baked by a local baker.

I am not in favour of promoting raw food diets, but there is a lot to be said against poor quality bread, which will do little more for you than "fill you up" (not infrequently with unnecessary additives besides). Muesli may be harder to digest for some people (at first), but this can also give one the challenge one needs. The nuts and fruits often found in muesli mixes add a variety of minerals and vitamins. It is a good idea to vary your cereals - but this will also depend on what is available in your region, and again, what you eat for your other meals. Variety is the spice of life, after all!

Eventhough, in isolation, your breakfast sounds perfectly healthy - compared to Coco Pops or a full British! - we must remember not to overdo it on butter, to avoid high cholesterol levels, and so it all depends on how much you eat, as well, to determine how healthy your breakfast really is. Suppose you ate half a loaf of bread and half a packet of butter: then we could no longer call it a healthy breakfast! It also depends on how much you eat throughout the rest of the day. If you only ate one slice of bread and butter and banana in the morning and had nothing else until dinner, it would make a rather meagre meal for a guy your age - then again, that would depend on your stature, health, and daily activities.

It is always a good idea to start with a glass of warm water, to get the system up and running. One might like to vary it with lemon juice, if one needs a more refreshing (adstringing) start; or an elixer, or a herbal tea, if one requires other medicinal properties from certain herbs, or fruits.

The combination of milk and grains makes a good synergy, the calcium and iron complementing each other. Some vitamin C might not go amiss in the mix - this is why many people drink orange juice for breakfast. You can find this vitamin in many other fruits (pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, papaya, raspberries are excellent and delicious sources). Antioxidants make great boosts in the morning (colourful fruits/veg are great sources). If you really want to be daring, you might like to try an apple-carrot juice instead of the banana, one day, or a blueberry, mulberry, banana shake ?

I know people who've had the same breakfast for over 50 years, and they fare very well on it - physically speaking. But, I believe we also have a duty to nourish our soul. It would be mainly for her that we would, ideally, like to vary and invite different colours, textures  and flavours into our life. It is a good idea to try different fruits and grains for breakfast and even different dairy products (kefir, yoghurt, curds, etc) to help keep the soul elastic, so to speak. Or one might, even, start by trying a different tea leaf. It all depends on how rigid you have become, how small your steps need to be. But, also, how open your soul is to subtle change. Some people go mad for healthy food, but it doesn't mean they will live longer or will be happier?

The most important thing to remember is, I believe, that life is for living. And we need to eat to live, and not live to eat. But nourishing ourselves must not become a boring routine, either: we are not machines which require fuel and nothing more. That goes for all the aspects of life, be it work, play, relationships, libations, exercise, adornment, et cetera. We have to live consciously and our bodies are also our temples.

Eventhough you call yourself a boy - and I hope you remain forever young at heart -  you sound very wise in that you have been prompted to review your habits. It shows maturity and proves that you are ready to take full responsibility for this fifth seven-year phase(28-35) , in which so much consciousness can be nurtured. But don't forget you are still young enough to live with a spring in your step and experiment. Keep on monitoring how you experience life and how all its impressions make you feel. This is how you can learn much and enjoy even more.

On the other hand, if you want to keep it simple for now and you are happy as you are, and you start the day cheerfully on the menu that you have currently set for yourself, I wouldn't worry too much, and just enjoy the blessings you may receive.
My very best wishes for you

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