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new job

QuestionNevil I have started a new job as a transit bus driver.

Breastfeeding/Vegetarian weightloss help

QuestionDear Sir, I am a breastfeeding mama to a 6 mo old, and I

one meal a day!!!

Questionhello! my mom is 54y old,and she is overweight she is bee

emotionally eating

Questionlately, ive been emotionally eating whenever i feel bored

HELP! Weight loss plan

Questionhow can i lose and keep it off?   i am 50 and i weig


QuestionHi, I have a question about metabolism. Well, Im trying t

Potatoes instead of rice..

QuestionDear Sir, 1. Would it be a healthier option to substitut

Arsenic, potatoes, purify

QuestionDear Sir, I stay in West Bengal, India, and there is arse

brown rice

QuestionHi, Im trying to lose weight, so would brown rice along

hashimoto thyroiditis

QuestionI am a 42 year old female that was finally diagnosed with

meal and exercise relationship!

QuestionHi, Well u know usually exercise is done to either Increa

no time for meals, want to be healthier

QuestionI have a very busy day and either miss meals or get fast

Exercise and losing weight

QuestionI am having trouble losing weight.  I had my fourth

Garlic to lose weight?

QuestionOk, this is a WEIRD question. Hopefully you can answer th

anorexic raw foodist

QuestionHave you heard of any anorexic raw foodists?  I know

no neccessarily, fat

QuestionIve been ridiculed by some of my friends and parents abou

Is it possible for me to lose 85 pounds?

QuestionHello, I am 53 female, weigh 174 pounds. I weighed 110 po


QuestionCan you freeze fresh spinach and if you do, will it loose

sugar versus sugar alcohol

QuestionDear Ms. Birge, My question has to do with sugars. What

Losing Weight.

QuestionIm 54, and weigh 235lbs, and Im trying to lose 10lbs in 4

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