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Zinc serum Value 234

Dr. Sanchez,

I'm female, 46 yrs old. Weight 58kg. Height 5'3''

My Zinc serum value is 234 ug/dL. Is this alarming?

I'm currently undergoing treatment (herbal therapy) for Autoimmune disorders (RA, IBS and Chronic Fatigue).

Please advise.

In many cases high zinc levels can be attributed to your current diet, but there are others where they can signify a problem  such as hypocupremia. This may be something you should talk to your doctor about especially since the other issues mentioned could also be signs of another problem. Hypocupremia is a copper deficiency that can cause neurological problems and or bone marrow loss. Some of the symptoms of hypocupremia are dizziness , fatigue,nausea ,paleness and tendon problems. If I where you I would discuss it further with my doctor.

Good luck and all my best

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