QuestionThank you for lending your expertise. I am 22, 5ft 7inches and I weigh 130 lbs. I desire to increase my weight, build and height. I would like your analysis on how this can best be accomplished. Particlarly, I have seen many advertisements for herbs and medicene that claim to be able to increase height from 3-6 inches. Is this a farce or scam...or can it be true. Or, is there something I haven't seen yet or something that a Doctor could prescribe to increase my height about 5 inches? Please Let me know. Please give me all the information you can.
There is nothing I know of to increase your height by that much! Though that is not my area of expertise. You should talk to your doctor if you are concerned. I can say that I would not recommend any type of herbal or other type of supplement! Those products are NOT regulated by the FDA and they can make just about any claims they want. They would most likely be a waste of your money and some can even be dangerous if taken in large quantities for long periods of time or when used in combination with medications.
What you can do is work with what you have and start to build your body with exercise! You can really change the way your body looks by building up certain muscles. A combination of aerobic and weight training is your best bet. It helps to work with a personal trainer who can put you on the right path.
(Always check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise program!)
Kim Tessmer, RD LD
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