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I am a 28 yr female who weigh...

I am a 28 yr female who weigh 166 lbs, I am 5-61/4. I would like to lose 12-15 lbs.
I am going on vacation in 4wks and would like to lose around 10 lbs  by then.
I do not know if I should be watching  my carbs or fat intake, My biggest problem are is my stomach, also what should my calorie intake be, I do minimal exercising.
Please help. I am trying that special k, 2 wk challenge (replace 2 meals with a bowl of special k) but I am worried that I may not be getting sufficient calories, and my metabolism would not accelerate because of this.

Hi Laura,

The main thing is total calories.  Visit www.toolsforlife.cc to determine you caloric requirements  and subtract 500 calories per day from this number.  Also, try to burn 500 extra calories per day.  Let me know any other questions.

Terry Linde C.S.C.S.
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