QuestionI have been a vegan for almost two months. I love it! Finally, I have found a way of eating that really suits me. I was wondering if "Malt Powder" was a milk product. I had a soy freeze at Borders last night and it had malt powder in it. It was so good that I am afraid I was probably breaking my vegan diet. Was I?
Thanks for your help and being so kind to volunteer your time to us!
AnswerHello Mari,
From my understanding, "malt powder" should NOT be animal based. If you are really concerned you may think about possibly calling Borders and asking about the specific product they use and what its derivative is or what it is made of.
Here is a general definition of malt products:
malt, malt syrup, malt extract
Malt is germinated grain, often barley. But it can be any grain: corn and rice are also common. They're much cheaper than barley, and so unspecified malt is probably not barley. Malt appears in alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, chocolate, and breakfast cereals, among other places.
Hope that helps you out.
Kim Tessmer, RD LD
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