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foods for weight gain

  My name is Emilia. I'm 16, and I'm about 5'6", 110 lbs. I'd say I'm moderately active, being a member of a swim team during only one season of the year. I'd like to gain about 5-10 lbs, and I'm not afraid to, but I'd like to do it in the healthiest way possible, even if it takes a while. I prefer foods that are low in fat, sugar, and sodium, I love fruits an veggies and whole grains, and I'm not a vegetarian. Do you have a list, or some suggestions, about exactly what kinds of foods are helpful in the weight-gain process, including foods with low or healthy fats, and patterns or lifestyle changes to help me acheive this goal? Just to let you know, I'm working with my mom on this, not alone. :)  ~Emilia

Hi Emilia,

This question is highly involved and is a matter than needs to be addressed by a qualified medical technician after a full physical examination.

If you are eating a normal balanced diet, you most likely are just where you need to be at this point in your life. Most people are much slimmer during their youth than they turn out to be during their lifetimes. Much about you, including your height, weight, and metabolism are dictated by your genetics, so look at your parents and grandparents for clues as to how your body will change as you mature.

I apologize for my lack of ability to address the question posed. The very best of luck,

Terence A. Russell
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