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Is this diet safe?

I am 21 years old - 165 pounds and 6'2" ... looking to gain a lot of weight:

The following is a plan, but is it safe to do? Is the gallon of water safe to do?

All of it? I really appreciate your help and knowlege for my safety, thank you so much:

"This is for all Ectomorphs. Yea you. The thin, skinny, tall, flat chested, rapid metabolism, nervous, can't sit still Ectomorph. You want to gain weight?

If you're not gaining weight, you're not eating enough. You need to determine how many calories you're taking in. Weigh yourself on day 1 first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Keep track of all the calories you eat for 14 days. On day 15 weigh yourself again, if your weight has not changed by plus or minus 2 pounds this will work. Add up the calories for each day and divide by 14. The number you come out with is how many calories you need to eat each day to maintain your current bodyweight. Now to start gaining weight you need to add 300-500 calories to this number. Go 7 days then weigh yourself again. Slowly up the calories until you see an increase in weight.

Only try to gain 1-2 pounds a week. More than this on a consistent basis will lead to more increases in fat than muscle. Check your progress every 4 weeks with skinfold calipers and a cloth tape measure. If you're desperately thin, a 10-pound increase consisting of 5 pounds of fat & 5 pounds of muscle is ok. A 2:1 ratio of muscle to fat would be ideal. Dont be afraid of increases in fat. As long as it's not settling solely around your waist you're ok.

There are 8 basic components of nutrition.

Calories ?besides what was mentioned earlier, you should be eating at least 6 times a day every 2-3 hours. A rough example would be 7:00am, 10:00am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm.

Protein ?1 gram per pound of bodyweight. popular choices are chicken, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, milk, whey, lean cuts of red meat, fish

Carbs ?2.5 to 3 grams per pound of bodyweight. popular choices are whole grain brown rice, sweet potatoes, veggies, beans, whole grain breads and cereals, yams.

Fats ?20-30% of total caloric intake. good fats can be found in meat, fish, canola and olive oil, nuts, seeds, legumes, and sesame and soybean oil.

Water ?1 gallon a day.

Fiber ?20-35 grams daily.

Vitamins & Minerals ?this is easily covered with a daily multi-vitamin/mineral.

Specifics on these 8 items can be found on this forum by searching.

Supplements besides a multi-vitamin:

If you cant eat enough calories or meals you should consider using a weight gainer or high calorie MRP.

If you can't eat enough protein you should consider using a protein powder.

After these 3 you can add creatine and glutamine if you desire and more vitamin C and E. Now don't get your priorities out of whack. If you don't eat enough protein, you're not going to grow no matter how much creatine you take. If you don't eat enough calories, you're not going to grow no matter how much glutamine you take. Don't believe the BS in the muscle magazines about supplements. Get the 8 basics of nutrition down pat.

After your workouts get in some simple carbs, whey and creatine. Why? Hit the search button.

These ideas will not turn you into a 220 pound ripped ultra low bodyfat % hulking monster of muscular might. If you weigh less than 150 pounds you should successfully reach 170-180 pounds, but give it plenty of time. When you get to this point, where you go from there will depend on genetics.

If this doesn't saturate your brain, here are some links you may find useful:

Sounds like a sensible plan to me. However, I don't feel that the creatine and glutamine are necessary. The amount of water is fine. There is such thing as water toxicity, but this is rare and I would only caution youabout this if youhad some sort of kidney dysfunction.

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