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Max RDA of Sugars

Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my question.  Can you tell me what is the maximum number of grams of sugar a person should consume daily?  I just read in Fitness magazine that the max is 40, and that 40 should come from natural sugars such as those found in milk and fruit.  However, 40 seems awfully low to me.  I drink 3 8-oz glasses of skim milk a day, not to mention the skim milk I use while cooking.  At 12 grams of sugar per serving, the skim milk alone puts me close to the 40 gram limit, and doesn't leave much room for the 2-3 servings of fruit!  Yet, 3 8-oz glasses of skim milk a day, along with 2-3 servings of fruit a day is recommended buy the USDA.  Did I get my information wrong?  Thank you so much!

There is no current RDA for sugar.  However, in describing the Food Guide Pyramid, the USDA suggests intakes ranging from 6% to 10% of total daily calories (a range of 6 to 18 teaspoons depending on the total energy intake) from added sugars.  Based on a 2,000 calorie diet that would be about 30 to 50 grams of ADDED sugar.  I am guessing that is where they got the 40 grams.  Therefore, the 40 grams they talked about in the article is from ADDED sugar.  That does NOT include natural sugars such as those found in dairy products and fruit.  
The Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board suggests, on the basis of analysis, and other evidence-based information, that a maximal intake of 25% of calories from added sugars would ensure that dietary quality could be maintained. Any higher level could result in diets of poorer quality.
So as long as you keep foods with added sugars to a minimum and try to eat whole foods more often you should be fine!
Hope that helps you out,
Kim Tessmer, RD LD
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