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Complex Carbs

I am trying to stay away from all simple carbs.
Could you please advise me on the Glycemic index and what are healthy carbs beside whole wheat products.  
What store products are okay for eating this way.  Thank you.
Marcia Ferrell

That is NOT a healthy way to go when foods such as fruits and dairy products contain simple sugars or simple carbs!!  
CARBS are NOT the enemy here!!  You need to just think about moderating your carb intake and choosing the right ones.  Carbs from fruits, vegetables, and dairy products ARE healthy.  Look at all the nutritional value in those foods.  Just because they have some carbs or simple carbs does not mean you need to stay away from them.  Other healthy carbs include whole grains such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, dried beans, soy foods, whole grain cereal, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, etc...  
The Glycemic Index is very controversial.  First of all it can be very difficult to use and tedious to check out every food you are eating.  In addition, just because a food has a specific glycemic index does not mean that if you eat that food with another food that its index is going to stay the same.  The glycemic index measures how quicky the food raises blood sugar.  Some foods and nutrients will slow this down such as fiber and fat.  
My advice is just stick to a healthy diet with ALL Of the food groups and eat carbs in moderation.  When you do choose carbs try to stick to whole grain and whole wheat at least 1/2 of the time as opposed to high sugary foods or foods made with refined flour (white flour).  THAT is a healthy diet and MUCH MORE realistic. Following the glycemic index is most likely something you will not stick with for life.  Following a healthy diet and watching how many carbs you eat (not eliminating them, just moderating them) and choosing better carbs most of the time is much more realistic and most likely something you WILL stick with for life.
If you are using the glycemic index for diabetes than it can be helpful only if you have been instructed by a dietitian on how to use it!
Otherwise, the glycemic index is not a good way to lose weight.
Thank you,
Kimberly A. Tessmer, RD LD
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