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Calorie concerns

Hello, I currently weigh around 160 and I'm 5'5''; but I'd like to drop about 20 pounds. I've been exercising for about an hour 5 days a week since January and I've been eating around 1500 calories a day, only I haven't lost any weight! It's very frustrating and I don't really know what to do, so I 've cut my calories down to 1300/day for a week or two. Is this to few calories? What do you recommend I do because nothing seems to work for me. Thanks.

To recommend anything personal such as calorie level I need to be working with you one-on-one and know much more about you and exactly what you are doing.
Make sure you really watch portions.  Many people THINK they are eating a certain amount of calories but most of the time are eating much more than they think.  Keep a food diary for yourself to see if you are really where you think you are calorie-wise.  The other thing to look at is your exercise.  Make sure you are working to capacity.  IF your exercise seems too easy you may not be doing enough.  Also you may want to add some new exercise in there to change things up and get your metabolism moving.
I DO offer online services such as a computerized nutritional assessment of a food diary you would keep (that would tell me where you are with calories, fat, protein, carb, etc...) and that would include personal recommendations from myself to help you lose weight. You can check out more of my services at www.Nutrifocus.net.
Thank you,
Kim Tessmer, RD LD  
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