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late-night eating

I am a 22 year old college student.  Exercise and fitness have always been important to me and a big part of my life.  I currently hold a part-time job where I work until ten o'clock at night.  I was wondering what types of foods are good for me to eat after work before I go to bed?  I trying to find something that will nurish my body and keep me from burning muscle for fuel while I sleep, without just sitting in my stomach and turning to fat.

Hello John!

    Thank you for your nutrition question.  The best types of food to eat before going to bed which would nourish your body and keep burning muscle would be whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans ,rice ,hummus ,lentils, hazelnuts ,and almonds.  
   In addition to the foods I have mentioned, there is a great supplement on my website called Juice Plus which contains the nutrients from "whole" fresh fruits and vegetables.  It also helps your body to burn calories more efficiently. Why not give it a try for 4 months and see the results since you are trying to lead a healthier lifestyle.  The website to purchase it is http://www.juiceblend.com
Let me know if you have anymore questions.

-George Rapitis, BSc. Nutritionist

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