QuestionHello! I just discovered this site and you seemed like a great person to ask my question to! The thing is that I have been on the Atkins diet off and on for about a year now because I was never able to stick with it long enough to lose weight. I'm only about 5'1"/5'2", and a 15 year old girl. Well, I weigh around 105 pounds NOW, after losing the weight, maybe a little less now, but I don't usually weight myself (I go by measurements). Anyway, my question to you is, is there some way that I can convince my mother and family that I do NOT have an eating disorder? (Honestly, if I had one, I'd be on here asking for help, so trust me when I say that I don't have one and I have no reason to lie about it.) They see me eating constantly, but just what I eat had very few carbs (I eat a lot of veggies, meats, chicken, eggs, salad, cheese, nuts, etc.). They know that I don't go to the bathroom and purge after or anything. Finally, they know that food doesn't occupy my thoughts because I'm constantly doing something and when they're like "What do you want to eat? Do you want to go out to lunch?", I'm just like "Yeah wherever you want," and continue on with what I'm doing. And when we arrive at a restaurant, I am able to look at the menu and decide on like a grilled chicken salad, or a steak, or even a hamburger without the bun. No big deal. BUT, my family gets inside my mother's head and is like "Why is she losing weight? Stop her from losing weight!", just because they're used to me being OVER-weight (I was very heavy when I was younger). My aunt is even jealous (her and I were the "chubby" ones of the family), because I'm no longer fat, but she still is. When they say this to my mother, their few comments apparently outweigh her living with me and seeing that what I do is healthy and FAR from an eating disorder. For God's sake, SHE even went on the Atkins diet and got down to 98 pounds (she's 5 feet tall)!
So, in all of my rambling, my question is simply, can you give me any advice on what to say to them that will be convincing that I am healthy and that what I eat now is HEALTHIER than what I used to eat? Thank you so much for any help!
AnswerDear Brittney, all you have to do is call your doctor and have your doctor weigh you and measure your height. If your BMI is within the normal range, then no one can say anything to you. You will then have the proof that what you are doing is OK. But because you are only 15 years old, it 's up to your doctor to say it not you, so make the call.
Laura Kraemer,
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