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Protien Powders

Hi Todd,

I'm trying to do a number of things, mainly 1) Lose body fat, 2) Lower my cholesterol (from 210), and 3) Increase muscle mass.  My current diet basically consists of skim milk, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, rice cakes, soy products (milk, chips), chicken, turkey, and fish.  I supplement this with Garlicin (garlic tablets), Green Tea tablets, Flaxseed oil, Fish oil, and Vitamin B-complex.  I do not feel I'm getting enough protien though...especially at breakfast and lunch.  So my two questions are, 1)  Am I on the right track to reach my goals?, and 2) What is a good protien powder to use?  I've been told "Muscle Milk" is good, but it looks like it has a lot of saturated fat in it.  The guy at the store claims the type of saturated fat it contains is, "good fat" as does the literature from the mfr.  I'm skeptical.  I'm currently 5'10", weight 195lbs and am 38 yrs old if that matters in your response.

Any help you can give me would be a big help.


Sorry for the delay.  I was out of town for the weekend and I should have signed out.

Weight loss is topic that is not understood well by most people.  There are a few things that you should understand.  First, weight loss will only occur when you eat fewer calories than you burn (your metabolism plus exercise).  The types of food don't matter as much as HOW MUCH food (and drink).  Fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads (high in fiber), low fat dairy and low fat meats are some of the best ways to get nutritious food AND help lower the amount of calories, but you do have to limit HOW MUCH food (and drink) you consume.  Protein supplements are designed and used mainly for weight GAIN.  Building muscle will help increase your metabolism and therefore will help you lose weight in the long run.

Here are some recommendations:
1)   To build muscle mass, you will need to exercise most days of the week and most of the exercise should be weight lifting.

2)   Protein powders are mainly for weight gain, so I would not use them (just extra calories).  Most people on a balanced diet get more than enough protein, even weight lifters.  You should be eating carbohydrates, protein and fat in every meal - keeping calories reasonable.  Remember to look for low fat sources of protein (dairy, meat, soy, beans, etc.).

3)   Reducing the amount of calories you eat and drink are necessary to lose weight.

4)   A Balanced diet consists of plenty of fruits & vegetables, low fat dairy, low fat meats, limit sugars and low nutrient foods high in sugar such as soda pop, candy, etc. (simple carbohydrates), eat a variety of whole grain products (complex carbohydrates) and eat an appropriate number of calories to maintain a healthy weight.

5)   Garlic supplements have not proven to be effective in reducing cholesterol and I would not use them.  You may want to try eating less saturated fat (animal fat) which is the 揵ad fat?  Unsaturated fats are the 揼ood fats?(plant fats).  The guy at the store doesn't seem to even know the basics, or else you heard him wrong.  You could also try products with 揚olicosanol?  Policosanol has been proven to lower cholesterol in moderate amounts and is found in products like 揙NE-A-DAY Cholesterol Plus?vitamins.  Or, you could try products with plant sterols, which have also been proven to lower cholesterol.  Look for 揧oplait Healthy Heart Yogurt?or 揗inute Maid Premium Heart Wise?orange juice.  Consume yogurt and OJ in moderation due to the extra calories they give you.  

6)   Fish oil is effective at lowering triglyceride levels, but it should not do anything for your total cholesterol.  Look for brands with 揗AX EPA?on the label and use a reputable manufacturer.

7)   Prescription medicines used under the supervision of your doctor are by far the most effective way to improve cholesterol levels.

Steve, you ask the wide-ranging questions that most people have and that many health professionals make a great career (and good money) to answer.  If you have any other specific questions, please ask.  Questions that may require a more in-depth answer requiring more time and interaction will be best answered by your doctor.

Best of luck.

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