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So basically, if the nutrition...

So basically, if the nutrition label reads 'refined sugar' or 'refined flour', I should stay away from those foods. What if the label simply reads 'sugar' or 'flour'?
I'm not a chocoholic, but does this mean chocolates are a no-no?
Any foods that you DO recommend consuming on a daily basis that might help?
Kindly advise.-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
I was wondering if you might know the reason that I'm still getting acne at 27.
I eat healthy, drink plenty of water(about 4 liters daily), have good personal hygiene, but nothing seems to work.
I've been to several dermatologists, but all they do is put me on antibiotics. I dont want to drug my body at such a young age.
Please help.
Answer -

Get rid of all refined sugar and refined flour. Read labels carefully, the fine print. If you can't prononce it, it is either a form of refined sugar/flour or a preservative. This is not a simple task, but worth a try.

Susan http://www.premiumfuel.com

I get questions from all over the world, so I should specify that in US, it won't say that exactly, there are a many names for what you don't want, what you do want is whole grain. No sweeteners. The only one that is okay is stevia, and it is against the law to add it to products (not because it is known unhealthy, but because the competition is threatened). Many have sworn that chocolate gives them outbreaks, it seems that it isn't chocolate exactly, maybe not even the fat, but it is the sugar added.
Raw fruit. 5 a day. more on food at http://www.premiumfuel.com
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