QuestionHi - I am NOT dieting again! I am "revambing" my eating habits instead! hahah! I am doing very well and sticking to it. I do have a couple of questions, tho. I have heard it is good to ingest various oils that our body needs. I hear a lot about flax seed oil, and Omega 3. Someone recently told me I should be taking 2 Tbsp. every day of canola oil. Is that a good suggestion? I have a strong history of heart problems in my family and so am aiming at getting the healthiest heart possible. Any tips or ideas on that? I am exercising, walking, etc., but would like nutrition tips for a healthy heart..... and any info on oils or other recommendations you might have.
Thanks bunches!
AnswerBoth canola and flaxseed oil are high in monounsaturated fats so both are "healthy" fats. Both are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduced total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These decreased levels are associated with increased heart health.
WHile there is no one food or no one plant that is the silver bullet to preventing heart disease, there is no harm in adding flaxseed and its oil to your already healthy eating plan. Adding flaxseed to a poor diet won't be much help!
Keep in mind the following:
Flax seeds, as well as flaxseed flour and oil, can turn rancid quickly if stored at warm room temperatures. It's best to buy them in quantities that you will use within a few months and to store flaxseed flour and oil in the refrigerator once opened.
The seeds of the flax plant have a hard outer coating. Unless they are ground or thoroughly chewed, they pass through the body undigested. Also, the raw seeds do contain small amounts of cyanogenic glucosides, which can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Cooking seems to break down the toxic components.
Both flaxseeds and flaxseed flour can be found in some breads, muffins and cereals, generally sold at health food stores.
Flaxseed is high in fiber, so it's important to increase water intake along with increased in flax intake.
Fish also contains the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. You can read more here:
If you are going to add canola or flaxseed oil you need to be careful of calories. One tablespoon is going to be about 120 calories. You would be better off with ground flaxseed, which is about 60 calories per Tablespoon and also contains some fiber!
Here is some further info:,1523,328,00.html#Why_Eat_It
Kim Tessmer, RD LD
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