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Hi,Its very kind of you...


Its very kind of you to offer to answer questions from the public..here is mine :-

If I brown very lean steak in a pan, then cook it in a thin broth for say 2 hours, then remove all the liquid fat by refrigerating, will I reduce the original fat content of the beef by very much

With kind regards,

John Reed

Hi John,

Yes, this an effective way to help remove fat from meat products. I can't give you a definitive value for how much fat it will remove, but it will be a significant amount.

Another good strategy, when you're cooking ground meat (e.g ground beef or chicken), is to fully cook the meat, then put it in a colander and rinse it with hot water. It doesn't take much time, but does get rid of a lot of fat (of course you need to drain any fat that was in the pan away too).

Hope that helps!


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