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2 weeks to lose

I am about 15-18lbs overweight. Most of the fat is on my belly and the "tire" area. It is so hard to get rid of. Is there any good and safe way to lose at least ten pounds in two weeks? I have an event coming up.

You're carrying weight where most men carry it. Fortunately, men also lose weight faster than women because it's easier for men to develop and tone muscle. I'm not sure about losing 15-18 lbs in such a short time, but I know you CAN make a good start!
 While improving your eating habits (Fast food doesn't have to be 'fat' food!), adding just a few minutes a day in activity will increase muscle, which increases metabolism and there you go!  Walking is GREAT! Stick a pedometer on and aim for 10,000 steps a day. At first you might be surprised at how few steps you really take, but it inspires you to park further away from buildings, to keep getting up from your chair at home and to make those little extra efforts.  It really, really works!
 Of course crunches/sit ups will also help tone the middle and results are pretty fast if you're consistent. Do as many as you can WITHOUT feeling pain or 'burn'. Just short of this, stop.  Then, the next day, add a couple more, but be careful, the "rule" is that you can always add some, but you can never do LESS than the highest number you've done.
 Then, skip a day - do two more days - skip a day, etc.. OR you can just do them every-other day. Your muscles will need a chance to 'heal' and recover. Pushing yourself to do them daily will just not work.

If you're a breakfast skipper - that's really got to change. There's a balance accomplished by eating whole grains for breakfast (no cereal bars and no shakes!). Try a packet of flavored instant oatmeal (or even two), toasted oat flakes, Cheerios, Life, frosted shredded wheat, there's so many options. Just be certain that 'whole grain' appears in the 1st three words on the ingredient label (not just somewhere on the box). If those words aren't in the first three - it's not as healthy an option as you could have.
 Try to be sure the calorie count for a cup of dry cereal is about 200 calories or less (before milk). This doesn't apply to the oatmeal packets - they're typically 160 calories each and no milk necessary.

FRUITS are essential - just three pieces of something a day. 2 bananas and an apple? 3 apples? Pears, oranges? Put three pieces of fruit out every morning and before you go to bed, make sure they're not there anymore. Easy!

 More details on how to do this without 'dieting' or using any products are at my site. It's free, there is no signing in, no gimmicks.

Let me know if you have any specific questions (and keep me informed as to how you do).  
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