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Ice Cream Allergy

First let me say that I know this question is not exactly a perfect fit with the description of your specialty and will of course understand if you say it's outside your expertise--but believe it or not, I couldn't find any other expert's profile that fit better so here goes.

Whenever I eat ice cream, within about a half hour I feel nauseous and like a have a fever. Lasts about 45 minutes. No other food does this, and I don't think it's any type of dairy allergy because cheese, milk, yogurt etc. don't have this effect. Maybe some ingredient that's in Ice cream but few other things? I find it very odd to have this reaction to ice cream and nothing else. Any ideas? Chalk it up to the ineffable? By the way, I can live without Ice cream but I'm puzzled.

Thanks for answering or rejecting.

Hello John!

  Thank you for your nutrition question. It does not sound like you are  lactose intolerant since you are able to eat milk products however, there are other ingredients in ice cream that can cause a food allergy such as sweeteners, emulisifiers, stabilizers, and artificial ingredients.  Food allergy is a reaction of the body's immune system to something in a food-usually a protein. This maybe why you experience fever after eating ice cream.  
Approximately 5 million Americans, (5 to 8% of children and 1 to 2% of adults) have a true food allergy. The eight most common food allergens are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish.

For more answers to your nutrition questions check out "Ask the Nutritionists" by George Rapitis at www.authorhouse.com or your favorite bookstore.

-George Rapitis, Bsc. Nutritionist
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