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where will I see the results

I have been on my prescribed program for a month now, where will I start to see the weight loss?  I have weights and aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week; will my belly fat be the last to go?

Hi Rachel,

Resistance training is most effective done ONCE A WEEK, in a slow motion but non stop. You wear out each of 6 muscle groups, 5 minutes per. To make it simple, think 5 situps that take a total of 5 minutes to do weekly is more effective than doing 500 a day. Muscle is formed during the down time, not while ripping them. AND you save the damage to joints and tendons.

That is for one day a week, on the other 6, to a total of 30 minuts of something, hopefully fun, not boring, that gets you breathing hard. Dance, climb stairs, chase a dog, anything, and 3 times 10 minutes, 6 x 5, 5 x 6 whatever, it all adds up and is all good.

If you went from eating a lot to eating a lot less, you lowered your metabolism. Eat as soon as you start to feel hungry, when you can make a smart choice. Don't go around hungry. When you regain a sense of abundance, you can start to burn excess.

Belly fat is stuborn, best to eliminate all refined sugar.

Plain water, no sodas - see more clues at http://www.premiumfuel.com
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