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How can i loose more weight?

Im 14 years old and back when i was 11 i went on a non eating diet for about a year lost 15 pounds, im not doing that anymore and i need to know how to loose weight fast, i really cant have this weight anymore. Im 5'6 and about 157 pounds. I really need to get rid of it fast, i like exersices best not diets, but right now im up for anything.

Dear Miriam, To lose weight with exercise alone you have to do a lot of cardio. Cardio is exercise that raises the heart rate for a sustained amount of time. Weight lifting is not cardio exercise but is aso a good choice to help raise your resting metabolism. Start with bike riding, fast walking, treadmill, or the stepper for at least 30 minutes per day. You should see a weight reduction the first week. Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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