Question3 months ago my cholesterol was very high (because of vit E intake), the doctor gave me Fenofibrat and Ursodeoxicolic acid. Now my hdl is 22mg/dl (i m 18 , male 68 kg 1.75cm) and my total seric cholesterol is 127 mg/dl.My doctor suggested i should eat foods that have a certain amount of fat ,because my current diet(that i started 2 years ago)excludes them.
my current diet
(for health reasons and because it helps my acne)
tea,0.1 fat milk and yoghurt,fruits:bananas,orange,grapefruit;cereals
chicken breast(steamed or boiled)or light beef,rice
fruits bananas,orange,grapefruit and carrots(for fiber)
I try to take care of myself as much as possible ,i take vitamins like A ,12 tipes of B, vit C 8000mg/day,E,zinc and selenium.I don't eat sweets,junk food or a lot of carbs.
Does a low fat diet make you less smarter?
I am aware that the brain needs fat , but i thought that if i eat protein the body will turn the necessary amount in to
I would appreciate an intelligent answer."
AnswerTo answer your question, no - a low fat diet won't make you less smart. This is a rumor that began when some isolated studies in mice and other lab animals found that significantly low fat (often 'no fat') "may" have decreased their problem solving/memory, but most certainly there is no indication that a low fat diet will make a human less smart.
You also need to remember that there are different fats. Dairy/mammal sourced fats aren't considered good ones; fats rich with omega-3's, generally from fatty fish like salmon, tuna and legume sources (peanuts, soy) are very, very good and may (that word "may" again) help enhance or improve many body systems, including brain power.
Your diet sounds very good already and I commend you on taking the time to eat well. Including some salmon or other fish twice a week would make it even better. The dairy you're choosing is just fine and probably the most ideal for dairy, but you may want to give some of the flavored soy 'milks' a try. I've found that vanilla soy tastes a lot better (to me) than 1% or skim milk. Non fat yogurt is excellent.
With an eating lifestyle like you have, you probably don't need the vitamins at all. What your body doesn't use (of water soluable type) simply passes through; fat soluble vitamins may build up and become more of a problem than a benefit (A-D-E & K). I can understand you wanting the B's, C and Zinc to help boost the immune system this season and they're relatively harmless in the doses you've established.
You're doing a good job. Keep it up!
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