QuestionCan you tell me what specific foods can help with depression?
Also, I'm having trouble sleeping. What foods help with sleep and depression at the same time?
AnswerHello Marley!
Thank you for your nutrition question. Foods such as fish, walnuts, flaxseeds,fruits and vegetables can help to improve mood. I would also recommend a whole food supplement made from fruits and vegetables called JUICE PLUS. It can be purchased at
JUICE PLUS is made from fresh fruits and vegetables which our body needs in order to make healthy new cells. Why not give it a try for 4 months and see the results? Let me know if you have more questions.
For more answers to your nutrition questions check out "Ask the Nutritionists" by George Rapitis, available at, online, or your favorite bookstore.
-George Rapitis. Bsc, Nutritionists
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