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building muscle

Hi, I am 13 years old and I weigh only 100 lbs. I broke my collar bone 3weeks ago, and the doctor said I could start jogging in about another week. I am pretty skinny and I want to put on at least 15-20lbs over the summer, but I don't want it to be fat, I want it to be muscle. What is a good nutritional diet for me right now since I can't do much? And what is a good way to put on the muscle I want this summer once I get better?

For muscle, you need protein.  Eating lean meat like turkey (not fatty chesseburgers) and eating peanut butter are good sources.  Nuts and beans are other good ways to get protein as is eating non-fat or low-fat dairy products like cottage cheese.

Once you get better, weight lifting will pack on the muscle while you eat the protein.  Work on your upper body one day and your lower body the next day.  Always give your body at least 24 hours of recovery time before you work the same muscles again.

Thanks for your question, Justin.  I hope that my answer was helpful.
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