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What does a Cholesterol of 204 mean?

HI Todd,

I recently donated blood to the blood bank. The bloodbank has a system on the Internet where you can check your last cholesterol level, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. I was surprised to see that my score was 204.  So it was not several numbers and it did not indicate if it was HDL or LDL, but I am assuming they are not going to tell you the healthy number and leave out the other. I am a 31 year old mother of 2, NOT at my optimal weight (175lbs on a 5foot3in. small to med. frame). I have gained about 25 pounds this year with the death of a parent, emotional stress, and little to no physical activity. So, I DO know that there are things I can do about that number. My question is... HOW accurate is this "test" if it was NOT done after a 9 hour "fast". This is a wake up call for me either way, because I know your cholesterol levels take time to get that way (and does not respond to a bad diet "week"). At my age, what does this # tell you and what website do you recommend I research to get diet ideas?


The reason the blood bank did not give you the LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides levels is because they probably did not measure them.  A non-fasting measurement of cholesterol levels will give inaccurate LDL and triglyceride levels.  However, the total cholesterol level and HDL (good cholesterol) will be relatively accurate.  They give you the total cholesterol because it gives you a very general idea of your cholesterol status.  It is not designed to be all-inclusive, and it cannot because blood donors should not be fasting.

Every person over the age of 20 should have their complete lipid levels checked.  I suggest you have all your lipid levels checked so you can make sound decision as to whether anything needs to be improved.  A total cholesterol of 204 mg/dL is technically considered 揃orderline High?(200-239 is 揃orderline High?and Less than 200 is 揇esirable?.  So, you are very close to being 揇esirable?  However, the total cholesterol level is the least important number.  The LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels are what we look at when deciding whether to treat someone.

You can get some good information at www.Lipid-Clinic.com and I would suggest you get the American Heart Association 揘o Fad Diet?book.  It will help you eat more healthily and in a way that will help your lipid levels.

As you learn more about cholesterol and your own cholesterol levels, I would be happy to give you more specific information.

Best wishes.

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