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lose inches around waist

mom of six, 127lbs, 5'7''and at my goal weight give or take 2 pounds...if I lose anymore my face looks too skinny...when I walk/run/lift 5-6 times a week my butt gets small and it's like the inches get transferred to my waist and abdomen...no kiddin...it's driving me NUTS because i put the time in and the place I need the most work becomes worse...and I've also heard according to Dr.Oz that in the front is the WORST place to carry extra weight...any suggestions...I'm 43 and I'd like to figure this out now before it's too late !! Thanks for your time.

Pilates is the best body sculpting technique I know of. Resistance training is best done once a week - wear out each of 6 muscle groups, 5 mnutes per group, done. Muscle is formed between works, and it takes more than 48 hours.

Relax a little, visualise the body you want. You program with your thinking.

Susan O www.premiumfuel.com
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