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Will pure gold improve my thinking?

if I put gold into my bloodstream will it affect the way I think? My uneducated logic behind this is that it will aid the transmission of electrical signals in my brain but I do not know if it will change the signal in any way - if so how?

Hi Daniel,

I don't think so. First, the mechanism of signal transmission between neurones is very sophisticated, indirect, and is biochemical by nature rather than just direct pass of electric signals. Would it be be a direct pass, there would be no thinking at all -- and no control of bodily functions as well -- because every neuron would be getting signals from every other neuron in the brain and immediately sending it back to them all - it's a chaos where a signal stops carrying any meaningful information.

I suspect that putting gold into your bloodstream will poison you, depending on quantities of course.

Tanya Zilberter
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